PLEASE ZARCO...listen to the heart that motivated you to post initially... If S4 is correct with the fact that there have been over 5,000 hits to this thread (how does one find that information?) then you, Zarco, have to know that you could be helping many people. How many of those thousands are on the fence about what to do, are in the process of fading without repercussions, or even wonder if they should stay and be a force for good in the organization?
There are SO many of us in a quandary.
Please don't let the "trolls" on the site send you away. True, it may be a difficult concept to swallow, thinking of staying under the radar doing something that others have been df'd for, but there are MANY here that value your insight, motivations, and love for "the friends". Not everyone here is a bitter "apostate" as you, of all people, well know. ...just hurt, confused, disappointed, even tired... I think that many of us can benefit from what you have to say. All genuine and humble thoughts are well appreciated.
I look for your posts...and will continue to do so.